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~ ~ ~ Clan Ranks ~ ~ ~

---Rank 4:

Arc Wizard - Clan Leader.

---Rank 3:

Wizard - Highest attainable member rank.

Wizard SPC - Held by a single member whose the best in his/her field.

SPC - All other Specialists in the same field.

---Rank 2:

Mage SPC - Held by a single member with chosen and proven skill in a field.

Mage APP - Skill chosen, but more practice required.

Mage - New member.

---Rank 1:

Mage Cadet - Final stages of the trials and tests.

Member InT - Member in training.

---Rank: 0

Grand Wizard - Temporary reward rank for an exceptional act in game.

Status: Silence - Temporary punishment for an inexcusable act in game.

Explanation of Rank System
-Arc Wizard/Rank 4 is held only by the leaders of the clan, no exceptions are made.

-Wizards are tried and true members who have proven skill and devotion to the clan.

-Wizard SPC is a specialist rank. The SPC will be replaced with the specialty of the Wizard. SPC's and the Wizard SPC of a given specialty will have a monthly test to keep sharp in the specialty and to determine if an SPC will rise to the Wizard SPC's position and send the Wizard SPC back to the SPC rank. This test is the C.C. or Commander Competition.

-SPC is a specialist wizardy rank. The SPC will be replaced or have written beside it the specialty type.

-Mage SPC is a member who has risen above the other Magi in his particular specialty. From here he challenges the Wizard SPC of his specialty and will advance to Rank 3: SPC rank.

-Mage APP is the apprenticeship level at which the specialty has been chosen but the member is still in competition with his fellow Magi to rise to Mage SPC rank.

-Mage is the lowest member rank. A Mage has just been accepted completely into the clan and has passed all his trials and tests.

-Mage Cadet is near the end of his trails and tests to become a member of Dark Reflection.

-Member InT is a freshly recruited player who will be required to pass several trials and tests before he advances to becoming a Mage.

-Grand Wizard will be rewarded to a member who performs extraordinary in game. Rising above and beyond the call of Magi.

-Status: Silence will be a probation stage and will be for as long as the Wizard casting Silence deems it to be. Arc Wizards will have say on time if it seems overly long or short, but the Wizard casting will be inevitably the deciding factor.